Movie week : Movies every geek should see (3 of 5) : Breaking the Code.

It is sometimes frustrating to see that history tends to forget those who have played the most important rolls. This is very much the case with the British mathematician Alan Turing who, during the second world war, not only was responsible for breaking the German Enigma code, but also for laying the foundations of the

kw802 : Storytime.

Its storytime again on the podcast. We bring together some awesome tunes and two great stories from the blog. Sit back, relax and enjoy our two columns ” I’m not a Gamer ” and ” Privacy is a statement”  Shownotes. – Privacy is a statement (original article : – I’m not a gamer (original

Privacy week : Why encrypting your traffic is important.

This week is “Privacy Week” on where we are going to focus on applications, tips and tricks to keep YOUR data safe from prying eyes. “Why ? ” you might say .. “I have nothing to hide”.  Are you sure about that ?  Then lets strip the blinds from your bedroom so your neighbours