Guest Spot : #AGP031

Last weekend I featured as a Co-Host on the Aussie Geek Podcast  episode 31. Check out the shownoted or download the episode straight from the Aussie Geek Podcast Website. Another Great episode with my awesome Co-Hosts Dave, Keith, Cait and of course .. the dog.  Click HERE to listen. Related Postskw406 : Free Geek Gift Guide.Kc301 "Gear

Introducing : The Laundry Room.

Those of you who have been following me on Twitter over the holidays, might have noticed that there were a lot of tweets about "Renovating" flying back and forth. Yep .. its true. I’ve been hitting the DIY over the holidays, renovating our spare/laundry room into an office. When we moved in here we had

ISS Cribs baby !

One of the shows that allmost puts me in a Coma every time I see it , is MTV Cribs ! Some punked up rapper with too much money and about half a braincell does loooove to show people around his great house with its 4 pools, 3 Garages and 45 Plasma Tv’s so he

The weather isn"t what it used to be.

Its always nice to have a laugh at a running gag, and somehow THIS one is becoming a classic. What started out as a prank by some Co-Workers has turned into its very own little internet Meme. For those of you who don’t remember "The Mega Mindy Incident" you can find out more HERE .

Kc232 "Ethical Hacking".

In a very interesting interview we talk to Finux, An ethical Hacker about all things Hacking. Whitehat Hacking, Blackhat Hacking, Penetration testing and other security related topics all pass the review in this one hour talk about Hacking and Security. Shownotes. Intro Happy New Year. Interview with Finux Tracsec security Podcast Hacker Public Radio Signoff

The 2009 awards go to …

Let us start out with the formalities of wishing you well for the coming year. Knightwise, Nyana, LotCha, Scotty and Kira the cat wish all of you the very very best for 2010. May this coming year herald the fulfillment of many of your dreams and ambitions (not all of them, we need something to

One machine to rule them all ?

Its a total disgrace that I haven’t had more time to blog these last few weeks. It feels like i’ve been running around from project to project and having quite a bit of "hay on my fork" (as the Belgians say) when it comes to my dayjob. I don’t like having to start my post

Call our Google Voice Number !

By the powers of the fan-o-sphere ( Some great and loyal listeners) I was able to get a Google Voice invice and setup a Google Voice account for the Knightwise.Com podcast. So all of you non-European, Asian, Russian, Australian, New-Zealandanian and Non Martian listeners ( Ok , the "American ones") you can now CALL the

Round me up in ONE WORD ?

I’m not one for silly quizes or forwards. But a comment posted by BRIE on my Facebook page, did inspire me to take up her offer. Post a text to your profile where you ask people to describe you in one word. I must say 🙂 The results came as quite a shock. If you