If there is one thing that has probably saved some geek-marriages, then it must be tools like "logmein". Even in a small country like Belgium its not always a fun experience to get up , hop in the car and drive some 20 miles to some godforsaken little town in order to click on the right mouse button of your aunty Joe’s laptop.

Bless you "Logmein" for providing stable and free tools for remote controlling computers over the internet. All you need is a browser to connect to the internet and presto, you can control auntie Joe’s computer without having to go over there.

Lets face it, last time you went over, being leg-humped by her aging Parisian Poodle was not the highpoint of your day. So being able to help her out REMOTELY is grand ! That is IF you installed the logmein CLIENT when you where there. Oops ! You forgot about that one didn’t you ? Right between having a sip of rather stale lemonade that she had in the fridge and having to pretend to liked the god awful cookie she served you. You HAD planned to do that. The only troublesome experience in your entire swim through the preface of ‘remote domination’ of your aunts pc WOULD have been making an account on logmein, adding your aunts computer, downloading and installing the client, remembering the logmein account data PLUS your aunts Windows password. But the hump-hungry poodle got you sidetracked didn’t it ? 

Thus you peer with a sense of dread at your ringing cellphone as humping poodles dance in your minds eye. With no local client installed its going to be stale lemonade, cookies and poodles all over again if you fail to resolve the issue by phone.. UNLESS.. you use logmein express !

A new feature of the "logmein free" suite is this "logmein express" mode , where you only need to give the person who’s computer you want to control, the address of the logmein express website where they can download the client.

It only might take you five seconds of explaining to tell the person on the other end how to download and open the .exe file in order to install the client remotely. When this is done they get a 12 digit security code that YOU in turn have to enter on the same web page and … voilà ! Remote control.

So next time aunty Joe calls , little French Fifi is going to be dry-humping the couch while the last trickles of pop leave the stale lemonade bottle for ever. After she proudly gives you the 12 digit access number, you are in full control of ANY computer, regardless of the fact if you have "visited" it before to install the client . Sure this is not the same seamless control we are used to with the logmein "client" (No users consent required) but it DOES help when you need to do support on those "one time only" remote visits for who-ever it may concern. 

So you might want to keep this link handy whenever you get the next pesky phone-call and remote control ANY computer using a free tool.


No poodles where permanently harmed in the production of Logmein Express OR this article.

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