In the age of digital abundance, we all need an iPod. And here is why.

Yes, dear readers. It’s finally happened. I’ve driven my mental dune buggy off the road and am now axle-deep in the muck of digital nostalgia, pining for devices that have outlived their usefulness (and their expiration date) and are considered “rare” when dug up by digital palaeontologists. I am well aware of the fact that

Raspberry Pi Week : Guestblog : Serve Your Message With a Slice of Pi

This weeks guestblog is brought to us by Daniel Messer, aka the Cyberpunk librarian. Find out more about Daniel, his podcast and his awesome website over at Cyberpunk librarian.Com Digital signage is a passion of mine which is odd because, for the most part, I hate advertising. When you think “digital signs” you have to

The coming of Cyber archaeologists.

Will we need cyber archaeologists. Looking at it, its the oddesd of things. This flimsy plastic box with two round holes in it, seems to come from another age. A brown warn little plastic tape worms itsself from one side of the container to the other. Only 20 some years old , the cassette is