Sansiveria's near light velocity.

It is more by accident then by choice that I’ve ended up in this perticular establishment. The initial idea to walk into town and have my coffee at my regular  place was cut short by the hand of somebodies god , as the heavens opened and released a substantial amount of rain, my short attire

Guest Spot : #AGP033

  Last weekend I featured as a Co-Host on the Aussie Geek Podcast  episode 33.  Check out the shownoted or download the episode straight from the Aussie Geek Podcast Website. Another Great episode with my awesome Co-Hosts Dave, Keith, & Cait.. You can look up the shownotes HERE. Related Postskw406 : Free Geek Gift Guide.Kc301 "Gear and Workflows"

The Fortress of Eben Emael.

Many times we say the internet is a great source for entertainment. And that, is very true. A site like youtube houses , without a shadow of a doubt , the greatest collection of silly-cat-videos known to man. But on the other hand it can also be an enormous source of information. Throughout the years

Walking the dog thanks to Youtube.

The say you can find just about everything on the internet, and if "they" say that , its probably true. From the formula for a perfect Café Latte to the formula for an atom bomb, from pictures of kittens to full out FluffyPron ( hello @woollymittens 😉 ) There is indeed no source of information

Linux runs on Everything ? Part one.

One of the myths that are out there , is that Linux runs on “everything”. Technically, this is true, Linux does “RUN” on even the smallest and most underpowered devices (Appliances like routers, your Tivo and some cellphones) and sure enough, geeks manage to run Linux on lighter computers like a 486, just to prove

Bye Bye Computer ?

A calm Sunday afternoon. The ideal moment to sit down behind my little Acer Aspire Net-book and punch out some of the thoughts and idea’s that have been on my mind for the last week. A busy week I must say. A week filled with work and meetings and a lot of rushing about. Clocking