Since it has been such a big buzz after my announcement on the Nosillacast that … I GOT AN IPAD … We decided we just could not pass up this oppurtunity to record KC 0039 in the car. Instead we are going to do this one LIVE on Ustream again. So get ready for a fun packed show where we talk about the Ipad from a free and open source standpoint. We talk first impressions, Hardware, Software and look for tips and tricks for getting your OWN content onto the device without having to burn your Visacard on the Itunes Store. We make time for your Q&A and kick back in this very very hot Belgium .. to give you KC0039.

Event :

  • Knightcast Episode 39 : Free the Ipad..

Place :

Date :

  • Wednesday July 14th 2010.

Time :

  • From 7 to 9 Pm CET.

Schedule :

  • 6 PM to 7 PM : Studio Setup.
  • 7 PM to 9 PM : Live Recording of Knightcast 39 : Free the Ipad.
Are you coming ?

  • Pimp this article on Twitter
  • Join the event on our Facebook page.

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