Since we had so much fun last time, and I have miraculously acquired 3 free hours in my weekend from underneath some fold in the space time continuum, its time to do another LIVE Knightcast. As opposed to last time, this one is going to be planned and scheduled so all of you have a chance to come on down and join the fun.  You can see the show being recorded LIVE and interact not only with the other guests in our chatroom, but also with ME ! Shoot in your questions via Skype (or if you are too shy) use the chat room to fire away.



Event :

  • Knightcast Episode 41 : Live recording.

Place :

Date :

  • Sunday August 1st 2010.

Time :

  • From 8 to 12 Am CET.

Schedule :

  • 8 am to 9 am : Music Matinee ( Dj Set and Party in the Chatroom)
  • 9 am to 11 am : Live Recording of Knightcast 41 : “The Kiosk” Building your personal information console.
  • Listener Q & A
Are you coming ?
  • Pimp this article on Twitter
  • Join the event on our Facebook page.

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