With the 70th anniversary of the start of the Second world war coming up, it  is a perfect time to take you to a place where it all began. We treat you on an exclusive tour inside Belgiums biggest World War 2 fortress and give you an interesting insight on what it was like on the eve of the German Invasion. With out guide we tour the inside of this fantastic installation and tell you the tale of the battle of Eben Emael .. That changed the course of WW2 forever. Walk with us through abandoned gallery’s and listen to echoes of silenced guns…


  • Intro
  • Historical setting. May 1940.
  • Walking into the fortress.
  • Corridors and different levels.
  • The underground command post / Firing orders.
  • Casemate Vise II.
  • Ammunition handling / Security / firing sequence.
  • The Germans attack !
  • The hollow charge weapon.
  • Blind and unable to fire.
  • Panic in the Fortress.
  • The fall of Casemate Maastricht One.
  • Germans blow up the door.
  • The Belgians surrender.
  • Repercussions for the allied forces.
  • The Fortress today.
  • 70th anniversary of the attack of Eben Emael.
  • Music : Drei Lillien ( German Army song )
  • Music : March of the Belgian Paratroopers.
  • Pictures by Nyana.
  • The OUTSIDE of the Fortress (Picture set)
  • The Fortress of Eben Emael (Article on www.knightwise.com) : Includes 50 minute Youtube documentary.
  • Website : The official website of the fortress.
  • Wikipedia : Eben Emael.
  • Our Guide Bart Geraerts on Twitter : www.twitter.com/geraertsbart

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