Say Cheeze !

    A running gag ever since me and Nyana have been together .. is the fact that we don’t have any decent pictures of the two of us as a couple. It got that bad that we even have offered up a bottle of champane to whoever got a cool picture of us taken.

Top 96 home office Setups ?

    As if people are reading my mind, I came across this awesome post on . Talk about an overload of screens and stuff. Meanwhile the quest for the ultimate setup still continues. Meanwhile drool over some GeekPron with the Top 96 Kickass home office Setups.     Related PostsNo Related Posts

How Geeks do Ikea.

Whow .. That was another busy weekend as we prep and prod to get the whole move on the way. Can’t believe its all going so fast. Even today I am beginning to realize that this will probably be the last "Monday-evening" we’ll have in our house here. By this time next week we will

Pondering on the new Geek-core

With the move coming closer and closer, more an more cardboard boxes are stacking themselves up around me. The spacious office upstairs has been taken apart, and i have retreated to the living room, mounting my macbook pro on a dodgy cheap-ass dinner table. But I am however into full "planning" mode. The practicalities of

Dental Drudge.

Well, I wanted a job on the road, looks like I got one. Once again coming to you from an authentic "truck stop" ( We only have on in the area) The weekend has been pretty busy, with a major bummer on Saturday when I found out that I could not pick up my Macbook

Getting my Macbook Pro.

There are days in your life that you can’t wait for your alarm clock to go off and herald in another day. Like for example your first day when you got to go to the "big school" ( Back when you where a naive kid ) or many of those christmas mornings. Today is one

Countdown to the big Move.

Finally, I’m back with another blogpost. Don"t know how many times i’ve started over, my brain somehow turning to liquid gellato halfway along the post. Reason for that is a total overload of stuff to do at work. Having to wear "different hats" all the time, (Sales, Sys admin, Developer, Helpdesk) is a very challenging

Happy Birthday Gran-EEE

      This weekend was the annual birthday party of Nyana’s grandmother. (Also known as the 81 year old "Ubuntu Granny") This Gutsy Granny is one of the Geekiest senior citizens I know and has been running Ubuntu Linux on her old laptop for two years now (See the article HERE) When we went


This weekend has marked a little bit of a "landmark-event" in our own personal computer history. Saturday morning we said goodbye to our "very first mac". I still remember when, almost four years ago I was thinking about buying my first mac. I had been listening to my very first podcasts (Back then , the

Abigger nerd ?

This must be the fastest post i’ve written so far. And with that I mean that I have never blogged at this velocity. As I’m writing this I’m flying through the sleeping landscape of Belgium , Its Six am , i’m on the train to Antwerp and I have a new best friend ! With

Become a hacker in 60 seconds.

Perhaps some of you have seen that atrocity of a movie with Angela Jolie called Hackers, perhaps you’re a fan of the movie Swordfish and got to pry your eyes away from the boobs of Halle Berry and watched the big computer screens instead. Or perhaps you are still a 40 year old virgin that

Star Trek Fallen Angels : Part 2

For part one of this story : Click here. The stars shone brightly in the darkness of space. Their silver perfection apparent amids the blackness of eternity. Some might have found it beautiful, but not him. He hated them, loathed them..feared them. He had felt their icy breath as it had sublimated every single drop