Well, I wanted a job on the road, looks like I got one. Once again coming to you from an authentic "truck stop" ( We only have on in the area) The weekend has been pretty busy, with a major bummer on Saturday when I found out that I could not pick up my Macbook Pro because the shop was closed. I am not one to sulk but boy did I sulk ! 🙂 Nyana said I sounded like a six year old, and she was right. But I have managed to bide my time and wait until this morning for going out to collect my precious prize. The weather was fantastic (hardly a cloud in the sky) so I decided to take the scenic route to Aachen in Germany. I only took the freeway up to Tongeren, where I headed through some of the most pretty landscapes near the Belgian border. A sun coming up and tainting the trees orange, and the frostbite still clinging to the grasstips. There was no traffic and I could just dance through the landscape, listening to the soundtrack of season three of Battlestar Galactica. I managed to pick up the macbook , grab a great cup of coffee and arrived work at 10.30. Man I love these flexible hours. Sometimes its late .. other times its great to "steal away" a morning from the daily drudge. Because I need to go to Antwerp tomorrow I quickly installed the Macbook and its ready for action. Still need to finish of some details, but you know what I mean when I tell you this thing is going to be my "very brawny friend" for the coming months. With the move coming up i’m gonna be producing the podcast AND the videocast from that machine. The only thing that is not so great is the fact is has no room (or love) for the pcmcia card i’m using on my Thinkpad. Although speeds are a little low, I love being able to connect from just about anywhere. Even from my Vista-Running-Thinkpad. (So far i’m not impressed with Vista and still think its an overbloated peace of crap) But hey .. I need to get used to the interface if I run across it at clients computers. So far.. not impressed at all. Not freakin fuming foaming MAD at it either, but that is all thanks to the fact that I nuked the User-Annoying-Crap (or is that User Access Control) right after installation. In all fairness , this Thinkpad manages to carry Vista very well , but boottimes remind me of a 468 running Windows 98 on 8 mb of ram). Anyways. I must go, have a dentist appointment in about 20 minutes and its going to be a pain. (Thank you Neelix for head-butting me and chipping away a piece of my tooth). Thus the roadwarrior who now has constant connectivity to the grid (thank you PCMCIA datacard) must dash into the toilet, brush his teeth (toothpast included in laptop bag) and move on. The things we do for connectivity 🙂 See you tomorrow !

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