Fan fiction art !

Some say they have too much time on their hands, Some say they are supernerds, Some say they are the only hope for a quality-content-deprived Star Trek Starship fan like me. ( I for one am screaming out the latter). Enter the first part of the word ‘Fan Fiction’ The Fans who have been pumping

The Mega Mindy Incident.

I could do a long long post about why I have not updated in quite a while, summing up all the things that have been going on and why its been so busy and stuff . But that would constitute an excuse and would only bore you to death. It is pointless to summ up

Some random Christmas clips :)

What better way to set off Christmas Eve then digging up some Classic video’s. David Bowie and Bing Crosby : Little Drummer boy.   And of course .. Annie Lennox .. and some other guy .. Put a little love in your heart 🙂     Related PostsNo Related Posts

Zombies .. for real this time !

I found this video a while ago and it fascinated me to see just how easily the human mind can be tricked into believing any situation to be real. Imagine playing a video game, seeing some weird flashes and waking up in an abandoned warehouse fighting the zombies you’ve just seen in the game. From

Medic !!!!!

There is a Halo Movie coming out soon, but I managed to stumble ( accidentally) across this little flick that was made for the Discovery Channel. you know I always nag about the fact that games should get better when it comes to gameplay and graphics are secondary.. But if I could play a game

So much cooler online.

Many thanks to JAKKEB for coming up with this little jem. I would not dare to dabble words to spoil whatever surprise awaits you when you look at this little video. Needless to say the lyrics AND the clip speak for themselves. Move over White and Nerdy : here comes the next best thing. The

Get Simpsonized !

Thanx to Koen from QueenBlingerie (yes yes , the ones from the add) for pointing out this little one : How about having a go at "Simpsonising yourself" Just upload your photo to this website and make sure you choose the right eyes , color of skin, hair and mouth and after 20 minutes of

Dawn in the City.

    There is a certain atmosphere that one can hardly describe. A certain aura that floats around the fringes of reality from time to time. A distinct impression of god knows what. Very tangible, very real, yet very hard to explain. Yet I encountered one of these atmospheres this morning. Those moments that you

32 ways to speed up you mac.

Some nice tips and tricks on the net today on "how to tweak your OSX for speed". I mean Eye candy and all that jazz is pretty nice but let’s face it. After watching your Windows get sucked down into the dock 'Hoover style' the novelty factor tends to wear out just a little. It’s

"Moore" then meets the Eye.

With the whole Transformers movie coming out and everybody praising mr Michael Moore for his work as a director I thought it was time to kick the Tardis and go back in time. When I was a kid, I had the privilege of living next door to an American family with a kid who LOVED

The art of user contributed content.

The art of user contributed content. It is dawn, as the city still slumbers the blue stark sky is tainted with the orange hue of the first sun. While the refreshing chill clamps desperately to the air around me, silence dances in my ears. "My Kyoto is fantasic" is written on a bright bumper-sticker of

More than meets the eye.

I think I got my first one when I was about .. 10 .. Back in 1984 they where actually called them Diaclones and they where still these kind of bizarre semi transformable "things" that had a very sketchy Japanese background. But the one I got was a real one. A genuine " Transformer "

Hack your Instrument.

Before we hit the weekend , let me just give you two video's to keep you entertained. After surfing Stumbleupon Video (Crack for the brain for sure) I found selected two great video's for you. Todays theme is : "Hack your instrument" Movie one : Guitar Hack. Starring Eric Mongrain. Who ever said you should

Knightwise is Chocolate !

Belgium is known for its chocolate, and now around the time of Easter, chocolate eggs are abundant in these regions. My liver is already moaning in anticipation of the far to great amount of chocolate i will be forced to consume. Yes, I say forced. Because if it where not for the chocolate easter eggs