Before we hit the weekend , let me just give you two video's to keep you entertained. After surfing Stumbleupon Video (Crack for the brain for sure) I found selected two great video's for you. Todays theme is : "Hack your instrument"

Movie one : Guitar Hack. Starring Eric Mongrain. Who ever said you should play  a guitar like Eric Clapton does. This guy does a beautiful hack of his "guitar play" Not only does it look good, but the whole sound of the song makes you go warm and fuzzy. If you like the song you can download it from his website 

Movie two : Beatbox + Classical flute = Brand new sound. A wonderful approach to playing a classical flute. This guy mixes the new with the old and brings us a great remix of the Inspector Gadget theme. But  wait for the end of the song as he attacks .. Axel-F

Have a great weekend guyz !  


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