Small town meets Cyberspace

One of the great things I had mentioned about Facebook is that it allows me to meet up with old friends. Ever since we "took to the net" most of our friends and contacts have been a mostly English speaking, internationally oriented posse. Spread wide over the big blue ball and located in more timezones

Permanent connectivity

The one thing I have been pondering about for quite some time now is  whether or not I am going to get myself one of these "inernet everywhere" modems for my Netbook. "Internet Everywhere" is a umts/3G  product offered by our cellphone carrier mobistar, allowing you to hook  up your laptop to the cellphone grid

Meeting Mattoid.

The world on the internet is a big place, and yet sometimes its also a very small place. Take for example today. Somewhere out in the interwebs somebody was reading along the "feisty for the family" series I had written a few months ago. Via the feedback form I got a little email asking for

How to properly use Time machine

“Time machine” No its not one of those blue boxes that let you zip around the galaxy and go back to kick young Steve Ballmer in the crotch just before he goes to the prom. What I’m referring to is one of those inventions by Apple who touts to be the ultimate Valhalla for your

Come to me ..

Come to me …. Precious silence unveil your wings surround me with your satin curtains drown out the noise and blow away my raving thoughts of madness Sweet serenity come sit by me and take me in your arms feed me the nectar of your motionless movement and immerse me in the silent symphony of

Seventh Son Book one all done.

One of the great things in having to "drive around" a lot, is that one has the time to "listen". Over the last few weeks i’ve filled up my Ipod with one excellent FREE audiobook called " Seventh Son " A short description speaks for itself : " Three weeks ago, the U.S. president was

Yes I am addicted to Nano.

Once again, a little time on the road in between one assignment and the next to gobble up some food and whip up the Netbook for a short writing session. After listening to several podcasts over the last few weeks where people babbled on and on about their favorite text editor, note taking software and


According to Wikipedia A hybrids are mythological creatures combining body parts of more than one real species. They can be classified as partly human hybrids (such as mermaids or centaurs), and non-human hybrids combining two or more animal species (such as the griffin). Hybrids are often zoomorphic deities in origin who acquire an anthropomorphic aspect

De – Cell – Aration.

Our Cellphones. We carry them with us everywhere. No matter where people are, what they are doing. In church, on a forest walk, in the bathtub .. never are they without their little mobile companion that lets them speak to the world and lets the world stay in touch with them. This little box with

Watch out : We are moving.

Well, the new year is nicely in full swing as I come wandering along with my first post of 2009. To be quite honest, I’m not really sure if you are going to be able to read this because at this moment, my hosting company responsible for the up (and down) time of the

Meet Major Kira.

Meet the newest addition to the family. We adopted a new little kitten called Keira. Keeping in line with the "Star Trek DS9" naming convention for our pets. (Our dog is called Neelix) we have converted the name to .. KIRA ( As in "Major Kira ") Somehow her personality matches that of the

My Brother in Dakar

Some people do not dream. Others DO dream. Most of us don’t persue or dreams. We put things off until ‘later’ and nag and complain when we are old. So when your dream is to ride your bike to Dakar .. you can daydream about it until you are blue in the face. OR you

At least Scrooge was Honest.

This is not going to be one of these posts where I need to start of with an apology and stuff like that. Reason I have not been blogging away eagerly has to do with the holiday season. This time of year reeks havoc with my "general order of events" and tends to drain away

KWTV207 : "Linux on a Stick"

We show you how to install Linux on a portable media device. Shownotes Download Ubuntu Linux USB image Writing Guide. Coffeebrake Finishing up the drive. testing. Signoff Related PostsKc301 "Gear and Workflows" Season 3 of .. is approaching.KWTV232 : Reviewing the Samsung Galaxy S IIKWTV231 : "Mutate your Macbook."KWTV230 : "Reviewing the Acer Allegro".

Floating beyond the cloud.

Its been an interesting and very fatiguing couple of weeks for me, but it looks like calmer water is on the horizon. Having to cross the country and work at different offices while de-cluttering some major project related hassle has thrown a spanner in the works of my daily blogging routine. So time for blogging