Once again, a little time on the road in between one assignment and the next to gobble up some food and whip up the Netbook for a short writing session. After listening to several podcasts over the last few weeks where people babbled on and on about their favorite text editor, note taking software and cloud-based office-replacement, i feel embarrassed to disclose on what fancy piece of software I am rattling out this little post.

As openoffice and abiword watch me (no doubt fuming with anger) as I type away on my favorite text editor of choice, i hear their taunts. “Primitive, quaint, no spell checker, no text layout” .. and a slew of foul names is but all what comes from their mouthes. True : My little text editor of choice is by far as featured or as advanced as these applications, but yet I find it blisfully simple to type in.

Yes .. my name is Knightwise and i’m typing this in nano. Nano ! The blissful changeling that nuked out VI in the Ubuntu distributions. My personal lord of simplicity when it comes to working with and even creating textfiles. From logfiles to conf-files to blogposts. Nano is the thing for me . its quick and easy interface,  its soothing command line home and its CTRL-X to close option is so wonderful to work with and so fantastically un-alien like its cousin VI (i HATE vi)

So today I salute all of those who said they loved WP 5.1 over Word 2007. As clippy’s ribbons, wizzards and rulers are absent from my screen the only focus of my existence is … my own words.

Thank the matrix for Nano

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