Lifestreaming with Yahoo Pipes.

For the last few days I have been thinking about the concept of Lifestreaming. A way of aggregating all the things I do online into one big stream. A collection of my articles , podcasts, tweets (quite a few of them lately), video’s, bookmarks, comments.. Would be very cool to have them all poured into

Meet PasCale… He's from .."Genk".

I seldom post ‘funny video’s’ but this one is a little exception. Unfortunately for all you non-Flemish speaking people you will be only able to appreciate the acting. This is a cool little video of a local comic who made up this "macho" character called PasCale. For you Yanks : Remember how the Italian Macho’s

Doing the Samba.

Its all over the TV these days. Celebrities trying to impress the crowds (and revitalise their dwindling careers) by doing some ballroom dancing. To me this kind of entertainment is enough to wish for some king of sensory failure of my higher brain functions, but luckily i can just zap away when it gets too

Star Trek "Fallen Angels" part 1

As most of you know I’m kind of a Star Trek fan and many of my English writing skills come from reading English novels and literature. Most of these novels are Star Trek paperbacks, of which I have quite a collection. To get my mind off the constant overload of technology I decided to plant

Subscribe to the Newsletter.

Work continues on the website as we add another cool feature : The newsletter. It took me some tinkering with the "letterman" module in Joomla but its up and running. If you like to have content pushed towards you .. Why not subscribe to the newsletter. Every time we release a podcast

Radio is Dead to me.

Sunday afternoon, Nice and quiet, Upstairs in the central command center… (well, Office .. workplace) Powerbook munching away at some backups, turning them into ZIP files for later storage. And in the background : Music. True, I’m good at multitasking but suck at listening to podcasts and computing at the same time. Guess I’m not

My new Ipod Touch.

When I take a peek at the receipt of my Ipod Video, I see its almost three years old. When I take a peek at the receipt of my First 3G Ipod i see its over 4 years old. That is pretty long for a portable device considering that none of their predecessors ( A

Extreme Makeover.

Well, unless you are using a screen reader and suffer from the same proverbial blindness as a bat (Holy Smokes Batman) you might have noticed that the look and feel of the website has changed just a tad. Reason for this is a: The old logo and look and feel was getting.. erm … old,

SOLD !!!!!

After a week of silence, I have returned. I have returned with an excuse why the podcast has been slow in coming and why posts have been so far in between. Over the last month we (Nyana and I) have pulled of yet another trick that most people take months to complete. I am proud

I have become a suit.

    I have become a suit.I used to watch them from time to time. Whenever Nyana and I had a day off we would drive to the seaside and stop over at some restaurant along the freeway. There you would see them, tapping away at their laptops while having dinner. looking mighty busy and

Fan fiction art !

Some say they have too much time on their hands, Some say they are supernerds, Some say they are the only hope for a quality-content-deprived Star Trek Starship fan like me. ( I for one am screaming out the latter). Enter the first part of the word ‘Fan Fiction’ The Fans who have been pumping

Internet Fame and .. Glory ?

Sitting down in the afternoon , recovering from a fairly nice Sunday, I rattle away at my Macbook while waiting for Vista to install on one of my workstations. I’ve decided to give Microsoft latest yet another go, but choose a slightly more powerful workstation then last time. Reason ? Not curiosity or something like

The Mega Mindy Incident.

I could do a long long post about why I have not updated in quite a while, summing up all the things that have been going on and why its been so busy and stuff . But that would constitute an excuse and would only bore you to death. It is pointless to summ up

Hey Lookie here !!!!!!

As a webmaster, Sometimes you must type. You must write and think stuff up. Yet sometimes you must just have the ballsy balls to go out there and shamelessly point your audience towards an article somebody else wrote yelling : "Lookie Here !!!" This article is one of those. A great article on LIfehacker that

Some random Christmas clips :)

What better way to set off Christmas Eve then digging up some Classic video’s. David Bowie and Bing Crosby : Little Drummer boy.   And of course .. Annie Lennox .. and some other guy .. Put a little love in your heart 🙂     Related PostsNo Related Posts