

I have become a suit.I used to watch them from time to time. Whenever Nyana and I had a day off we would drive to the seaside and stop over at some restaurant along the freeway. There you would see them, tapping away at their laptops while having dinner. looking mighty busy and mighty important. I was a little envious of them. The freedom of working on the road.. The adventure of going from place to place to  place. Meeting new people, new situation. Not flying a desk.. but being out there.  Today I look at my reflection in the window. A freeway filled with  busy cars. My laptop rattling away confidently and the shimmer of  white shirt-dark tie wearing Knightwise in the window. As I wrote  before .. its great to be out here on the far frontier. Being on  your own, solving problems.. getting stuff done. It took me a while to get where i’m at . Some ten years ago I was literally cleaning up actual shit from actual floors in my darkest days as an educator. Today I get to reap the fruits of not settling for "good enough". Life takesfunny bends sometimes.. I’m just happy to be along for the ride

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