Try before you buy !

Today was a lovely day. Weatherman told us that is was going to rain liquid swimming pools and that the chances that our underwear would get wet from the outside where pretty high. But it turned out he was pretty wrong. A few clouds in the sky, but for the rest : a perfect sunny

Msn SPam :(

Back in 1996 when I was on dial-up, life was so much easier. Back then when I logged on to the net (after hearing that wonderful sound of my dailup modem going "KWeeeecharirsoiroissjfkjeijfldskkkkkssssksksksksks") my internet session would start of with several "’Oh-Oh’" sounds of ICQ messages that had been waiting for me. Man .. that

Have an OSX Dock in Ubuntu.

Ever operating system has its pro’s and cons. Well some have more cons then pro’s but what the hey. And since i’m a cross platform slider, I get to play around with both Linux Osx and Windows. In every OS there is something I like, something I wish I could "port over" to the other

Holiday Snapshots !

    With all this holiday stuff I completely forgot that I needed to put my holiday pictures online ! Should have done that a few days ago. Especially since I took the time to shoot a LOT of pictures in the South of France AND I organized them all into sets on Flickr. So

Htop is like Top to Da Bling.

One of the cool things in Linux is that you hardly any hardware to interact with it. No fancy GUI, no hardcore processor etc … If you just run in command line mode only you can run linux on a slow machine or interact with machines over a slow connection. Putty and the terminal are

Connectivity : ubiquitous

It doesn’t happen a lot, but from time to time it does. I have some time to kill and quickly flip out my laptop to write up a little post. A quick scan of the wifi-area makes me realise that … damn.. this is a wifi-free zone. So there you are. A computer full of

The four week coffee break.

Every good rhythm needs a good break. Every race car needs the occasional pit stop. Every server needs a reboot. Every cyber-Citizen needs the occasional vacation. And thats exactly what I"ve been doing. I could say I would have been overly busy, swamped with real life or even write up a convincing post about an


Hmm .. Thursday morning. Quick cappuccino before we are off for a day to Antwerp. As Nyana is getting ready to present her lovely sellf to the people of planet earth, I softly send tapping sounds along the silent kitchen, tapping away on my Ibook. Many of you who may read this might be in

I can haz Bigg ass Imac ?

There are things you dream of, Things you aspire to own one day. Things that linger behind shop Windows and call out your name when you walk by. Most of these things we pass up on. We look at the price and gently remind ourselves that there are bills to be payed and there is

Inspiration .. or the lack of it;

Its almost ten o’clock on this lovely summer evening. I sit outside, in the comfortable deckchair that overlooks our garden. The dramatic, almost pathetic screams of one of our neighbors peacocks echoes eerily through the silence of the city. A pale pink moon turns its face towards the setting sun over our ever rotating planet.

Tipping point.

There is a point in time where things change, where a balance tips, ever so slightly, from one side to the other. Where a moment in time, even so briefly as a day ago .. seems like an eternity. Where tomorrow becomes today and yesterday becomes a long time ago. Today I feel, is such

Open Source Superheroes.

I take a look at my computer screen and brush my gaze through the myriad of icons on the desktop. Each one representing a file i’m working on, a piece of music I like to listen to, or a picture I made with my digital camera or downloaded somewhere from the internet. Below my menu

R2D2 Iz In Ur SerVah Room !

I have seen one of these little projectors a while ago on the web. A complete R2D2 media system : Very Cool. But these guys have taken it to the next level and pushed the geek factor up a little. The Little ARtoo unit is rigged to their Nagios Server Monitoring software and "alerts the

Low tech area ? High tech security ?

Having moved recently I find it peculiar to see how there are small but subtle differences between cities in the same region. We have moved south about 20 miles from Hasselt ( District capital of our province ) to a smaller town near the border. Where Hasselt can be described as a modern thriving city

Now i understand Dragonbal.

I seldom just "blog" about what I encounter on the net, to prevent the site turning into yet another link-blog. Nor do i like to "Follow the Herd" and do yet another repost of items every geek has seen ten times over. But sometimes fun stuff is like .. fun stuff.  Like for example :