imac There are things you dream of, Things you aspire to own one day. Things that linger behind shop Windows and call out your name when you walk by. Most of these things we pass up on. We look at the price and gently remind ourselves that there are bills to be payed and there is still a little bit of common sence left in that one part of our brain that makes sure the Visa card stays tucked away.

 I have been looking at the 24 inch Imac from the very first day I owned a Mac. To me it was like a computer for giant people, because quite frankly, it looked out of proportion. But still.. The size of the screen is fantastic. A compact yet giant workstation .. something of a paradox.  This week I got lucky cause I managed to sell both my old G4 powerbook AND my 17 inch Intel Imac. The trick for buying new stuff ever so often, is not holding on to the older stuff until it isn’t worth anything anymore. So the 17 inch Imac that had been my companion for nearly a year will find a new home this week. The powerbook ( that i aquired of the course of this year true a very nice deal ) is also out the door. If you want a new toy ? You gotta sell and move fast. Both sell offs brought me to the point where I could choose what i wanted next. 

I had looked at the 20 inch Imac model and thought it was really great. But … there was also the 24 inch model… and I went for that one. What can I say. Its fracking fantastic. I actually have to move my head from right to left when I want to see the total surface of the screen. The only thing I have circumvented is the size of its internal hard drive. The 300 gig drive is nice, but I would like to have that little bit of extra storage space to make sure I can store all my music and movies in the bowels of this "power station". Planning to use it as the central computer of the house it will also take care of the central filestorage.  So i’m really looking forward to finishing up our office upstairs so I can plop this baby down and ..Uzze MA Bigazzz Imac.


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