30 days without voice.

  “Can you also make phonecalls with it ?”  The half snickering question hovers in the air, the person who asked it looks at me expectantly, although he already knows the answer. “No” I answer. Before I get a chance to explain he holds the device up to his ear, its over-sided dimensions making it

Maybe you can ask #dearknightwise

In a never ending quest to find new and exiting ways to interact with my cross-platform community, i’ve launched (or “thought up”) the hashtag “#dearknightwise” on twitter. If you have a cross-platform question about Windows, Linux, Osx, Android, Ois or steam powered energiser bunnies .. i’ll do my best to find your answer. The hashtag

Tech uses for a small dog.

Being the owner of 2 small dogs, I can say some things are missing from this list. – Cellphone holster. – Walking keychain for your usb stick – Wifi repeater (You need some ethernet cable, an Airport express and some rubber bands for that one) …. Source Related PostsNo Related Posts

Would you like to upgrade ?

We start of the day with a little Youtube video that oozes nostalgia. How about trying to upgrade through every version of Windows ever made, and see if you (and your operating system) survives. A pointless exercise  at best, and surely 10 minutes of your life you’ll never get back, yet it DOES have an air of

Do we still need pen and paper ?

As dawn slides its silken blue cloack over the star dottet expanse of night, I rise from the slumber of my dreams. Trudding down for the morning coffee, I absently reach for one of my digital companions as I yawn and stretch to greet the new day. While our puppy pops outside to answer natures call, I stand in

Digital Overload.

For those of you who have been waiting for the next episode of the Knightcast podcast, I am indeed overdue. Where I had put out a steady stream of episodes over the last few months, the holidays, and the aftermath of the festive season have been less than inspiring for my “frequent production schedule”. The