My Dear friends, Fans, Supporters,

On behalf of @niejana and myself, and everybody working behind the scenes of (you know who you are) I want to wish you all the best in 2011. May it be a joyous, happy, geeky year for all of us filled with technology that works for us.

I want to take this moment to say thank you to all of you for supporting us during the last year and hope that we have provided you with geeky entertainment and valuable tips. For us it has been a blast, putting content out that is appreciated by you .. our community. It’s your feedback that makes us happy, its your appreciation of what we do that makes it all worth while. I hope we can continue to “geek you out” in 2011 ! 

All the best for the upcoming year !

Knight, Nyana, Scotty, Kira … and Sulu !


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