This week we launched our brand new hashtag on twitter : #dearknightwise, that people can use to ask cross platform question. Every week I try to sit down and answer your questions.

@moonenmoonen asked  @”knightwise : Where did you get the pogo sketch.”

I got the pogo sketch at the Easy M  store in Sint Truiden, Belgium (Not that far from where you live). I had looked for the model in some of the s&s stores (Hasselt / Genk) but they did not have them in stock. I think I payed about 16 euro’s.

@casizemore asks : ” I accidently deleted my top toolbar on the desktop (ubuntu), how do i get it back.

Accidentally removing taksbars and buttons in Ubuntu is something that happens. You can restore them to their original status using THIS howto or use the PANELRESTORE script here.

@Jaymartinez wrote : “What are your must have apps for the Ipad”

Well, i’ll try to sum up the apps that i use the most.

Video Applications.

VLC : Without VLC player (no longer available in the App store thanks to the whining of the Electronic Freedom Foundation) I would not love my Ipad as much. I drag and drop the video’s I want to play (in ANY format) in the application menu in Itunes and get to watch all kinds of things on my Ipad WITHOUT having to convert stuff into Itunes. I’ve watched many many sci fi tv shows on my Ipad with VLC and think its an awesome app.

Youtube : I just love the tooooobs.

Boxee : I’m kidding ! I only wish the app they promised would come out soon so I can stream the content from my boxee box to my Ipad. This will be my killer app.


Ibooks : The default Ibooks app is one of the best for reading Epubs. I am surprised to say that allthough i own the Sony PRS-505 i’ve finished 3 books on the Ipad with Ibooks.

Goodreader : Whatever is not in Epub format I read using Goodreader. Pdf, Txt .. It “breaks the ipad free” of the cable by integrating with dropbox and google docs.

Cloudreader : Great application for reading comics ! I am currently getting through the old Transformers comics (from Marvel)

Instapaper : Awesome app : With a bookmarklet I shoot articles to Instapaper and they get presented off line so I can read them in peace. A must have app !

Flipboard : Pump all of my RSS feeds into a digital Magazine and consume my media .. my way.


Teamviewer : Remote control any computer from your Ipad. Clients for android, osx, ios, ubuntu and windows. Cross platform Awesome !

Wikipanion : I do not like to lose an argument. Wikipanion helps me with that.

Spideroak : Cross platform cloud backup and sync service I use for the podcast.

Dropbox : I use dropbox to ferry files to the Ipad without having to sync the Ipad to the mac.

Google earth : When there is nothing on tv .. Browse the planet.

Noteshellf : Fantastic little app that lets me WRITE on the Ipad (Reviewed in KWTV 0024).

Cleanwriter : Also a cool little thing that lets me write in a distraction free enviroment en helps me write up those long articles for ‘storytime’.

And there are of course some others, but like I said in the last “storytime” episode. I’m not an application geek but try to use applications that tie in with cross platform standards so my whole digital lifestyle can “travel” from device to device.

Do you also have a question ? Post your tweet to twitter with the hashtag #dearknightwise and have your question answered on the blog. 

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