Some random Christmas clips :)

What better way to set off Christmas Eve then digging up some Classic video’s. David Bowie and Bing Crosby : Little Drummer boy.   And of course .. Annie Lennox .. and some other guy .. Put a little love in your heart 🙂     Related PostsNo Related Posts

Zombies .. for real this time !

I found this video a while ago and it fascinated me to see just how easily the human mind can be tricked into believing any situation to be real. Imagine playing a video game, seeing some weird flashes and waking up in an abandoned warehouse fighting the zombies you’ve just seen in the game. From

Who wants free mac software !

Ok , I’m gonna need your help on this one. If you want some free mac applications for christmas : Shoot me an email. Do you remember whole mac-heist stuff that went on last year (where we all pitched in together to lower the price on some killer apps ?) Well this year they are

Medic !!!!!

There is a Halo Movie coming out soon, but I managed to stumble ( accidentally) across this little flick that was made for the Discovery Channel. you know I always nag about the fact that games should get better when it comes to gameplay and graphics are secondary.. But if I could play a game

Add your OLD emails to Gmail !

Great stuff this new Google Imap ! Now you can quite easily access and manage your emails from just about anywhere using one (or multiple) desktop-client mail programs (like for example Outlook or Thunderbird). This is not very revolutionary. If you are using web based – Gmail you can do pretty much the same thing.

Sniff my email ! Its THAT simple.

Wardriving is horribly easy. It really is. Just open up your laptop in any public place and by the time you crack open your Firefox you’ll have 3 or 4 open access points to choose from. Either its "linksys" or "default" or "philips" .. It does not really matter. You’ll be able to surf away

How much juice do you need ?

If you decide on spending some money this Christmas and build your own computer you might want to check out Newegg’s online power supply calculator. Just been talking to a friend of mine who spent a whopping 800 euro’s on putting together a pc workstation that would put a small dent into a mac pro.

Vmware Playground.

A sure fire way to waste away half of your Sunday afternoon and upset ones spouse is to start up a little lab to “try out some stuff”. Before you know it your office is littered with hard drives, scsi cabels and computer towers in various stated of decomposition. You spend half of your waking

Overload .. Reset .. Reboot.

If absence makes the heart grow fond, you guys and girls must be screaming for my return right now. I know. My hiatus in Blogging and contributing to the web has been going on for too long. The sweet irony of the thing is : It where extreme demands on my time and attention by

Introducing : Neelix !

The last thing we want to do is turn this into a "this is me and this is my hamster blog" boring you into oblivion with tons of useless facts about what is going down in our personal lives. But hey : Since this is kind of a technological-reality show anyway, it would be rude

Life’s Sloppy Kisses.

This morning, 6 AM , Driving through the stormy autumn weather. Dark outside .. raining.  Inside the car .. Darkness and the sound of one of DJ Tiesto’s Live sets. And all along I just could not keep myself from smiling.. Grinning.. Enjoying the privacy of my own thoughts. LIfe is a surprise sometimes. It


A strange shift in the way I use my computers has occurred over the last few weeks. Something that comes kind of unexpected, more so because its one of the main reasons I use computers : Communication, or, in my case : The lack of the latter. I have come to the shocking conclusion that

Early Adoptoritis.

Readers, friends, bedfellows lend me your ears for I am at a point where I would lovingly set off into the mother of all rants. Well, not the mother , but perhaps the aunt, or the niece or something. In any case : I’m annoyed enough to turn a slight shade of purple. My peeve