The last thing we want to do is turn this into a "this is me and this is my hamster blog" boring you into oblivion with tons of useless facts about what is going down in our personal lives. But hey : Since this is kind of a technological-reality show anyway, it would be rude not to inform you of any cast changes. Hence today we present you with the newest addition to the family. Another star player in this all-star cast who will probably have many of our female fans go "oooohhhhhhh ! Thats so cute !" . No i’m not referring to myself in a little elf costume or anything like that. We do however proudly present : Neelix ! The nine week old puppy we got last Saturday, and who has managed not only to steel our hearts , but also a lot of our sleep over the last two days. So let the pictures speak for themselves as we proudly present the pup of the house  Be sure to check out the Flickr page on Neelix for more pictures .





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