We give you the second part of our coverage of F.A.C.T.S. : Belgium’s version of Comic Con. Where we talked to booth-holders and fan club in the first chapter of our coverage, this time, we will be interviewing the people who really make the magic happen t: The Cosplayers. So stand by for great self made costumes, zombies, chicks in bikini’s (with guns), trolls and female Avengers .. It’s time to talk Cosplay.


Part 1 of our F.A.C.T.S coverage.

Belgian Whovians Fanclub.

The behind the scene pictures by photog @Niejana.


  • – Camera 1 : Stefaan Lesage.
  • – Camera 2 : Kris Hendriks
  • – Photography/production : @Niejana
  • – Interviews : @knightwise.

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