I am going Dark.

The screen in front of me is a plain black slate with bright green letters popping into existence as i run my fingers along the keyboard. My mouse sits aimlessly besides my computer and the gigantic touch pad of the Macbook pro sobs gently as it has been deprived of strokes and taps for too

3 2 1 … Disconnect !

The hardest part about blogging is not about WHAT to write, its about WHEN. As you can see by the latest "irregularity" in my posting cycle I’m yet again experiencing one of those weeks where "sitting down and writing out my thoughts" is harder then drawing the formula for cold-fusion on a post-it. Many of

What's in your bag ? (part 1)

What is in your bag : Part one : The absolute minimum. There have been a great many posts on the Internet about this very topic. A topic considered rude if we should ever pose that very same question to a member of the female sex. Just imagine the slap in the face you would

Happy Birthday Nyana

    Happy Birthday Nyana   Yep ! It’s that time of year again where i get to wish the most wonderfull person in my life a happy birthday !  Join me and shoot her an email at nyana@knightwise.com.     Related PostsNo Related Posts

A netbook ain't a notebook.

Last week a bit of my time was spent reinstalling my Acer Aspire one netbook with the latest version of #easypeasy linux. I had "upgraded" my Netbook to Ubuntu 9.04 jaunty a few weeks ago and found the newest addition of Ubuntu to be incompatible with my 3G modem card. Now thats not unusual. Early

Goodbey Neelix…

Somehow, it feels fitting to sit on the stomp of a 500 year old cut down oak-tree, as i am writing this sad news. As Spock said in "The Final Frontier" : It is a reminder that all things end. And it is of endings that I wish to speak to you today. In the

SOS Blogger at sea.

Sometimes we forget just how much time we spend online. In direct communication via instant messaging, Skype, Twitter or surfing, downloading and sending emails back and forth. Allmost 90 percent of my day is spend in close proximity to a broadband connection ( at home and  at work ) The other 10 percent is covered


Ok, I got the Sony E-book reader in the mail last Tuesday and have been playing around with it ever since. For those of you who are waiting for an in depth technical review of the device, well you’ll have to be patient or just google for it. Plenty of people have done a review

bye bye Books !

Technology evolves, that much is certain. More and more we see the advancement of technology in our daily lives and all around us. Like a never receding tide the digital age rises higher and higher onto the shore of the analog world. One by one my media havesuccumbed to this digital uprising, this digital evolution

Stranger in a strange land.

Can’t believe its been this long since I blogged , so i should probably begin with ‘ Forgive me oh mighty inter-webs for being offline for a while" As pennants I will surely serve up 40 tweets to make up for my sinfull behaviour. But one of the reasons I have been so ‘unblogging‘ (mind

My new Macbook Pro.

Ok , I might have been nagging and wining about it over the last couple of weeks. And I swear that after this post I’ll  probably shut up about it but .. I got my new Macbook Pro yesterday. My darling wife took the time to drive up all the way to Germany for me

A weekend doing .. nothing.

Life on the edge of real and Cyberspace might be super exciting, but once in a while we log of our systems and go "do something else". It may seem incredible to you guyz to think of Knight and Nyana wandering around in the land of "infinite desktop wallpaper resolution" (the ‘real world’) but with

I am everywhere !

Bloghoggers might have noticed I’m a few posts behind. Reason for that are some time-intensive "real world issues" that have the nerve to cobble up my cyberpipes and have kept me away from my very important digital social life. A shame I know ! Even with the Blackberry offering at least some lifeline to my