Come to me ..

Come to me …. Precious silence unveil your wings surround me with your satin curtains drown out the noise and blow away my raving thoughts of madness Sweet serenity come sit by me and take me in your arms feed me the nectar of your motionless movement and immerse me in the silent symphony of

Seventh Son Book one all done.

One of the great things in having to "drive around" a lot, is that one has the time to "listen". Over the last few weeks i’ve filled up my Ipod with one excellent FREE audiobook called " Seventh Son " A short description speaks for itself : " Three weeks ago, the U.S. president was

May the force be with us.

A few weeks ago, me and my old web buddy Swift, got some tickets to the "Star Wars Exhibition" in Tour and Taxis in Brussels. This expo, featuring sets and costumes from the Star Wars movies was heralded as " The Ultimate Star Wars Experience !" (whatever that may be), So me and "Tha SwiftMeister"

R2D2 Iz In Ur SerVah Room !

I have seen one of these little projectors a while ago on the web. A complete R2D2 media system : Very Cool. But these guys have taken it to the next level and pushed the geek factor up a little. The Little ARtoo unit is rigged to their Nagios Server Monitoring software and "alerts the

Now i understand Dragonbal.

I seldom just "blog" about what I encounter on the net, to prevent the site turning into yet another link-blog. Nor do i like to "Follow the Herd" and do yet another repost of items every geek has seen ten times over. But sometimes fun stuff is like .. fun stuff.  Like for example :

Star Trek Fallen Angels : Part 2

For part one of this story : Click here. The stars shone brightly in the darkness of space. Their silver perfection apparent amids the blackness of eternity. Some might have found it beautiful, but not him. He hated them, loathed them..feared them. He had felt their icy breath as it had sublimated every single drop

Meet PasCale… He's from .."Genk".

I seldom post ‘funny video’s’ but this one is a little exception. Unfortunately for all you non-Flemish speaking people you will be only able to appreciate the acting. This is a cool little video of a local comic who made up this "macho" character called PasCale. For you Yanks : Remember how the Italian Macho’s

Star Trek "Fallen Angels" part 1

As most of you know I’m kind of a Star Trek fan and many of my English writing skills come from reading English novels and literature. Most of these novels are Star Trek paperbacks, of which I have quite a collection. To get my mind off the constant overload of technology I decided to plant