Linux is a beast that we all love here at the headquarters. Though it might suck away precious hours of our life as we valiantly try to recompile a driver, rewrite a complicated Conky configuration file or spend HOURS looking for the perfect wallpaper for our Linux desktop .. the power of the penguin is never far off.  Getting the hang of Linux is not very hard and if you have Larry and Bill to teach you .. its a breeze. The “Going Linux” podcast is refreshingly structured and it looks for ways to use linux to “Get things done”.  With a nicely structured format that deals with Linux on a topic by topic basis, Larry and Bill cut up the shows into “Basic” and “Advanced” episodes allowing you not to loose your mind when its a little too simple for your taste.

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The Going Linux Podcast is informative entertaining and consistent. The backlog episodes are just as valuable as the newest shows and chances are you will surely find something to your liking in their massive massive topic list.  The Going Linux Podcast is available both in Ogg for beard-sporting sandal-wearing nose-hair-sporting Volvo drivers .. and .MP3 for freedom hating muggle’s like you and me.


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