” Darn dude ! You slow or something ? Do I NEED to draw you a Picture ? ? ? ” If the answer to the first question is Yes .. I’ll try to type more slowly. If the answer to the SECOND question is yes .. then we have a solution for you. The downside in not regularly using office applications is that you forget how to do things. But of course you can always go and read the manual. The manual ! Yes .. like you have the “dummies guide to excel” at the corner of your desk. Who has time to READ all that stuff. We all know that visual information is a lot easier to comprehend and faster to get through ?

Enter “Inpics.net” a great site with “screen by screen” howto’s on how to do things in Office, Openoffice and some web coding lingo’s too. The tutorials are horribly easy to comprehend and give you a blow-by-blow guide on helping you out. Although the latest versions of Microsoft Office are not included, its not all that bad. A subtraction is a subtraction after all.

Now we can replace RTFM* (Read the fabulous manual) with JGWTP* ( ‘Just go watch the pictures ‘ )  and visit Inpics.net

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