Instance for Windows Phone
I am a phone nut.. I go through phones like you wouldn’t believe. You can ask how, you can ask why but that’s not the point of this article. I see a lot of posts out there about “Must have apps”, “Tops apps for this”, Top apps for that. So i figured I should finally do one as well.  My safety phone used to be the iPhone, i would go through units like a revolving door but always come back to IOS. I have since evolved my taste and my safety phone became WindowsPhone, ever since I laid hands upon the HTC Trophy on Verizon. I have since moved on and my tastes have changed again. My new safety phone is the Nokia Lumia 920 on AT&T. So without further ado, here are my …..
“Can’t-Live-Without-them-Apps on WindowsPhone 8”
  • Kids Korner (a pivotal function on windowsphone 8, if you have kids with sticky fingers u will love it as well)
  • Netflix (this is vital on long car rides, to again please the children) 
  • Twitter ( I am huge on social media, being a stay at home dad, it helps pass the time)
  • Facebook ( See reason above ) 
  • Instance (Instagram client) who needs to wait for the official app this works just as well *note, does not support video*
There are tons of apps I install after this like WeatherFlow, Iheartradio, a few xbox games but these are some of the first apps Isetup. 
Jay Martinez lives in one of the most expensive states in the US, good old NJ(his words not mine). He is a stay at home dad of twins (one boy, one girl). He has a passion for Technology and Family and the occasional lateral thinking puzzle (he claims to live outside the box at all times).  The twins are 4yrs old and his marriage is going on 10. 
You can find Jay online at http://jaymartinez.blogspot.com (for random thoughts and musings), on twitter @jaymartinez. 

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