” Hey ! Lets take a 24 gazillion megapixel camera, make it portable and have it shoot high quality pictures. Then lets take an app that makes those pictures look like they were made by a 25 year old throwaway camera” … said “Somebody” “Once”. … However unlikely the idea might have been at the time, Instagram is massively popular these days. Almost every snapshot we take with this popular app gets filtered and warped into something that looks just a liiiiitle more artistic then the shot we just made. All cool as kittens on a spaceship … but what if we want to do the same on our desktop.

The defence calls upon XnRetro your Honor ! This “Instagram clone for ‘real computers'” lets you tinker around with your screenshots to your hearts desire. Throw some filters, borders and light effects around and presto .. there is that one picture of you in your batman suit, hanging from the ceiling chandelier wearing pink mittens. But now it looks like it has been taken in the 60’s … so you have plausible denial.  Once satisfied you can save the pictures OR export them to social-space with the “Share funtionality”

XnRetro (from the makers of Xnview) is a slider friendly application that runs on Windows, Macs, Linux machines and coffee machines who are so dirty they have become sentient. (We haven’t tested it on the latter). The app is functional and free .. So we love it like lolcats !  To prove it works here is a picture of me and my dog, traveling back to the 30’s, taking a picture and leaving it to rot in drawer for 80 years so we could scan it in and put it up here .. for no reason.

Download XnRetro here.


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