Hey guys and girls ! Behold : together with Iron man 3, Game of Thrones season 2 and the new Star Trek flick : Yours truly has returned from forty days and forty nights beyond the brink of the digital realms. What can I say : life got in the way : Big time ! A home renovation of our bathroom turned into a five week project with dust and grime covering every surface in the house. When I got home it was time to sand down the drywall, plan the next day for the builder and weep at the grime and chaos that reigned supreme. 

To add insult to injury I got a first hand painful encounter with a kidney stone. Although it didn’t look so touch when the doc showed it to me “post-op” I swear I saw Bruce Willis and his Armageddon team leave the OR as I got round from my sedation. After a couple of days of hospital I got some recommended R&R … and there you go .. offline .. big time.

But the good news is : I’m back and have had plenty of time to do some research for the content for season 6 of Knightwise.com. So lets create some cross-platform-sliders hacks tips and tweaks .. At the same rate Tribbles make Babies !


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