For Haloween we “Dig up” an archived episode with a spooky edge. Knightwise is missing and the machines have taken over. Stand by for a thrilled ride and an interesting topic. This episode originaly aired in 2006. “Dive down with us into the realm of the obscure as we see how to hack technology into your afterlife. This episode handles the phenomenon of EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. As we divide the facts and the fiction you can listen to chilling voices in the static.”

  • Intro.Opening : A day in Oostende .
  • Promo for White Noise .
  • Evp Introduction
  • Music: No plastic Inside : Ghostbusters
  • The Facts behind EVP.
  • Evp Examples
  • Music : Brookhaven : Statick in the Valley
  • Spiricom : One step beyond
  • Coda and Signout
  • More links.


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