Welcome back to the new season of “The Knightcast” With great music and a mistery soundseeing tour we set off the new batch of episodes starting with ” The Grid” Part one. Learn about how we see technology and what the philosophy is behind the Knightcast and discover the Secret of The Grid : The technolocal infrastructure you can use to tune tech into your way of life. With great music of “Trance 2006” the edge of real an cyberspace rings with the sounds .. of ‘The Knightcast.’


  • Timestamp
  • Sponsored by “Podcastmaker” visit www.lemonzdream.com for more information.
  • Soundseeing tour : “Kickoff in the Deca Dance
  • Leadin.
  • Music : Trance 2006   “Luminary Dark Eyes”
  • Views on Technology.
  • Music : Trance 2006 ” Above and Beyond”
  • The Grid.
  • Signout.

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