As we get ready to put down a new floor in our living room, time for blogging is limited. Yet I do not want to deprive you of your daily dose of Cyber news. So from between the stacked up boxes of stuff, our living room couch that has somehow levitated upstairs to come cramp up my office, I post this little one out to you guyz.




Remember I talked about email spoofing a few weeks ago ? How you can use Telnet to write up an email and completely scare the other party shitless by putting '' as the senders adress ? This week I stumbled onto an article on the fantastic "daily cup of tech" website that describes how you can send emails using Telnet. Its all nice an dandy and gives you a nice view at just what your email client actually does and how Email works and stuff. But if you have your "Evil" switch set to ON it does not require much creativity to change the MAIL FROM: to MAIL FROM: before sending it away. So fire up those command line terminals and impress noobs and geeks alike by obsoleting your pop3 client and sending your emails via Telnet !

Links : The Article on DailycupofTech.

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