Zombies ! zombies i tell you !  

Well.. A few shows ago i talked about raising dead pc's… and behold my latest achievement.. Its alive !!! aliiiive !!!!! 🙂 Yep , the old G3 I had gotten as a present (discarded by an architect firm) has awoken from the dead. Thanx to some Yellow Dog Linux it is BACK in full swing :). But I must say I feel more like a zombie myself these days. Getting up early, the long commute, busy times at work and the occasional client on the side .. Its pretty tiresome. The last podcast has been a haphazard road production because I just have not had the time to sit down and make a decent show (my apologies). I have some free time coming up (thank heavens) in two weeks and will be spending the majority of that time working on the website and the show. (making jingles and stuff like that). Meanwhile i'm living off my laptop, my usb stick and my on line calendar. Its pretty nifty to live on the edge of real and cyberspace in a mobile world but.. I would love a chair .. a desktop … and some time to relax :).

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