Lecturing about podcasting. 

Remember I told you guyz that I had to do a lecture about podcasting last week ? For the local mac-geeks ? Well : Been there Done that ! And it was quite fun too. Today I got some of the pictures back and boy.. do I look like a nerd on this one. Caught in an aquard 'O' pose , leisurly planting my hand in my pocket.. Strip the suit jacket (combined with a white T-shirt for a nice balance between proffesionality and leisure)I did my thing. The rest of the week is downright crazy again. At te home front ( @my parents) troubles are brewing and at casa Knightwise there is also a lot of stuff to get done. All in all I still feel pretty tired , probably thanx to the 4-episodes-in-a-row lost-a-thon me and Nyana sat through yesterday evening. It was the season finaly and we had the next episode on the hard drive.. so my little kitten just could not go to bed before seeing the end of the first episode. Now I like peering along over the edge of my computerscreen and ask stupid questions like "who's that ?" to drive Nyana bonkers.. but lost is a pretty good show. I don't get half of the intrigues but its bizareness reminds me of "the twilight zone" – tv show when I was a kid. No rest for the wicked since my provider decided to switch over all the knightnet.be dns records from my old to my new provider.. So its gonna be mailin' mayhem tonight as I have to reconfigure our own mailserver. I'm soooooh tired :)…

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