Aarg ! Garageband. 

Yes I Know .. I’ve been lagging and slacking like there is no tomorrow.. And i'm very ashamed of myself. Last weeks podcast is ready .. done and produced and I cannot find the time to finish it and put it on line.. Reason ? Freaking' Garageband THATS the reason. I decided to record the podcast on the road and compile it in Garageband. Sounds fine so far .. I must say .. the interface is great and its a fantastic way to post produce podcasts. BUT .. with the whole EXPORT TO ITUNES crap things went down the drain. The 'MIXDOWN' where Garageband squashes the 17 different tracks into one AAC track took for-freakin'-ever. And then when i tried to export the whole shebang into Itunes and make an MP3 out of it .. It just would not respond. So I’ve been tackling this shitty problem for a few days now in-between an incredibly busy agenda.

Work .. Clients of my own .. Shit going down with my family.. Shopping for Christmas presents and so forth. Saturday morning started out with an early start on some clients I had to visit. By the time everybody's morning coffee was warm I was already on my way to client number two. Although i was tired and grumpy (I get grumpy when i have not had enough sleep) it was a fantastic morning.. The fog and frost where rolling along the white meadows and the sun was unable to shine through the dense white blanket that surrounded my car. Beautiful !

Saturday afternoon we went into town for some Christmas shopping. A stop at the local Irish bar ( The Irish times) proved that they had the best hot chocolate in town .. and that listening to football commentators makes Nyana all sleepy. But it was probably the cold weather alternated with the warm innards of the pub that contributed to all this. When we got home at five (after a stop at the local mac store) and i crashed in the couch to fall asleep instantly.. Spent the rest of the evening floating on the fringes of being awake while watching a cheerleader movie.

Sunday ! Rush rush cause we had to take my mom to church (it was a service in honor of my dad) so we did not get a chance to sleep in. At noon we picked up a broken laptop at a clients place and where of again. A nice little diner in Genk, an accidental meet-up with my mom (again !) and a pushy salesman in the DIXXONS store later.. we where heading towards Nyana's parents.

There it proved that the combined forces of me and my dad-in-law must fringe on the omnipotent. (Either this or HP makes DAMN good laptops) I shall elaborate.

Two weeks ago Nyana and me experienced what could only be described as ' The baileys incident' where a combination of oversight, bad laptop positioning and gravity resulted in an ENTIRE GLASS of Baileys cream spilling over the keyboard of our NX 6110 laptop. Thank heavens i was around when it happened , I immediately turned the laptop upside down , removed the battery and power supply and started taking the laptop apart. After plunging the detached keyboard in a sink with clear water (to get the bayleys out) i took apart the laptop and clean whatever liquids had fallen into the machine with a napkin. Fortunately almost nothing had leaked in. So after letting the whole deal dry for a week .. me and Nyana's dad put the machine back together .. AND IT WORKED !!!! So hurrah for the best laptop i ever bought (possibly even taking my ibook into account) cause this baby has proven its worth. Thanks to its resurrection from the dead i have decided to give it an other lease on life and am planning a little UBUNTU SAFARI with this black baby.

I'll keep you posted and put this weeks show up asap.

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