Great tip from friend of the show @moonenmoonen : A mail client that does not dictate your life by pushing messages in your face constantly. We all know how we sometimes can becomes slaves of our own inboxes. On the IOS and Android side of things the email clients are mostly horribly “Basic” They do what they do best : Annoy the friggin frack out of you and have you quicky reply to an email … while you are on one knee, proposing to your girlfriend. How about an email app that DOESN’T do that. How about one with “procrastination” as a built in functionality ? Want it  ? Love it … then wait for it ! Mailbox IS coming to IOS pretty soon but we will have to be a little patient. 

Links : Mailbox

What is YOUR favorite email client on your portable device (and why   ?) Tell us in the comments section.

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