More buzz times @ the Knights castle this week. Had a fab weekend, partied on Friday and got up way to early on Saturday. Apparently not the only one. I had to ring Swift up to check where the hell he was , cause we had to go to school remember ? After noticing his voice sounded like Jabba the Hut after a bachelor night I noticed I was not the only one having a hard time getting up. Up to Leuven in was (the first 'long drive' together in a long time) we got a chance to chat up. When we arrived in Leuven we hit the java source ( the danny-man was on call) and waited for the teacher to show up… and waited .. and waited .. and waited.. and the f*** didn't come ! Apparently he was sick and decided to cancel the class 15 minutes before it started. NICE ! Got UP for nothing , drove all the way to Leuven for nothing. Damn ! But no time to waste so Mr K , Swift and I took a trip to town. Browsed some bookstores and had a cappuccino , so all was not lost. Saturday afternoon was squandered on shopping and in the evening we went out. *** Sunday morning came to early and We had to go look for a Christmas tree. Now as you know : I hate Christmas , well not the event , but the marketing around it. Already I get all mad when I see the modern market machines push people into buying things they don't need. Already I have nightmares about me and Saskia browsing shops for presents… All stressed out and worked up. I HATE THAT. I despise having to put an amount of money on how much you love someone. I hate it that people are frustrated and stressed out because of that shit. And i totally despise the whole ' Christmas-market' shit with gluwein and stuff. Its CRAP people ! Its total CRAP ! *** Now we are on the subject : The Clouseau concert me and my buddy's where going to has seen some drastic 'cast changes'. People canceling and so on. Its all turning into a social incident and for the first time I feel I’m not gonna be the matchmaker this time. I'm not gonna glue the pieces together all by myself. I'm ticked off ! For perhaps the very first time in a long time I’m so disappointed by people that I find myself to angry to see the flip side of the coin. Am I wrong ? perhaps. **** The little crown I Planted on Adam Curry's head ( I titled him 'the prince of the pod) is taking on a life of its own. Only yesterday did I get a mention in his show , TODAY he is singing a song titled 'prince of the pod'. Well lets just say no amount of reverb can make it sound in key .. But it made me grin very proudly when I heard it. *** My own podcasting website is in the works , artwork is being developed and I’m looking into getting a separate domain space to split up the knightnet site and the knightsite site. (however I’m not entirely out of the woods there) Kicked Sven in the but to get me an intro page .. We'll see. *** Called Apple today , My ipod is on his way back (yahoo) will be most glad to hold the little one in my hand again 🙂 (and start recording podcasts and stuff). more on that soon. Must dash now. Cu soon 🙂

oh yes : and by the way , if you are reading this : COMMENT YOU FOOOOLLSS !!!

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