Well , first of all : SWIFT : thank you for commenting. you've been
the first fuck to finally interact with me :). I appreciate that. **
The whole 'clouseau-debacle' is turning out to become quite a
complicated email thread between parties involved. apparently
miscommunication lies at the base of the problem, however I think
suspicious motives are lurking in the background. Time for straight
talk ** yesterday was the big 'what am I gonna do with the site'
day, in preparation of the podcast/personal site I’m building I was
thinking about ditching the knightsite.tk domain and move the site
to another location. Several options where possible ,each with pro's
and con's. Merging the company site with the knightsite for example.
Making the knightnet.be site into a portal was another possibility.
I had been mailing around a bit for some prices when suddenly my own
ISP decided the matter for me . He had assigned the domain name i
enquired about to the web space i have with my isp .. And that was
that. So in a few day's i'll start to give out the new URL and the
"knightsite" will become a thing of the past. Out with the old and in
with the new. ***

Am driving Sas nuts with podcasting these day's.
Better ease of , because I get to enthusiastic sometimes. We don't
see each other often enough so I better make good use of the ample
time that i am at home and give her the attention she deserves
instead of mashing around behind the keyboard.*** Pizza tonight ! Yipie !!!!.

* Oh yess I won"t tell you the domain name yett , otherwise you'll be hoggin it !!!!

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