Hello my cyber-savvy readers. It was a dire time but we have recovered. And I say that not in the sence that I have recovered some long lost files (although I have done a fair share of that over the last few days too) We have recovered from a little attack of off-line life. Times have been so busy that I did not even have the time to update my own precious website. Apart from the recovery of the attack of the analogue world I have recovered something else as well. I have recovered my student pass ! Lost for over two years but now once again tucked away in my wallet nice new and shiny.

"Ok Knightwise"’ I hear you fume, "Cut the crypto and spill the beans". Ok : Here is the news. I have re-enlisted my sweet little ass into GROEPT (Group-T) and am continuing my training to be a bachelor in telecommunications. The last time I was here was almost two years ago when I dropped out of my second year cause of the renovations on our house and the sudden passing of my father (with the resulting chaos afterwards) But know I’m back and things have not changed that much. Of course i’m a little older and wiser (I hope) but old comrades have joined the party once more. Due to a fluke in the inter-dimensional nexus both Swift and Diderius (old friends) have re-enrolled into the course as well. So it is just like old times. After all , the three of us started out in our first year here now almost four years ago. We carpooled from the far corner of the country to the technological Mecca-of-all-schools and spent our first semester together. ( Let me clarify , its not a full-time education , just one or two nights a week.) and now we continue along the same path. The three musketeers  : "Dead-pan-Diderius", "Sly Swift" and me ! .. Oh the joy !

So I’m pretty enthusiastic about all of it. Not only do I LOVE to learn, its also very interesting stuff they are teaching. Networking, operating systems and stuff like that. Lets me beef up on my professional IT knowledge and finally give me the feeling that I’m really learning new things every day. I hate to say it but using Macs and Linux at home has thought me a lot, but I have kind of lost touch with the whole Server environment of Windows by not working with it every day. I’m still competent but just a little rusty. But as the saying goes : Its just like riding a bike. You don’t forget !

Being here at the school (waiting for one of my teachers to make some arrangements) brings back a lot of memories and brings back the ease with which I used to write. A few years ago (for those who have read through the archives) my website was a lot more personal and a lot more ‘tied in" in what was going on in  my life and inside myself. With being here, I hope that ease returns. Stepping out of the routine I have known for the last two years ( drive to work / drive home …) this change of scenery and change of people I interact with will hopefully bring back a lot of inspiration and just plain ‘feeling good about myself’. My heart of course goes out to my lovely wife who supports me in all of this and who waits patiently at home until I pop back in from school.. Bless her !
So .. with new times come new challenges.

The technological arsenal at my disposal has changed a lot over the last few years. With the web 2.0 using email, storing files, interacting with fellow students, getting information and much more .. has evolved a whole lot. My I-river MP3 recorder is standing by to record the lectures (for later recapitulation on my ipod). My Linux server is standing by at home, my pda, the website, Skype, twitter, etc etc .. it brings a new dimension to the whole thing. I cannot wait to sink my cyber savvy teeth into this little challenge and .. get my degree !

Sites : GroepT – Maison Swift.

Picture : Swift and Diderius…  yea .. thats REALY them !


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