It is not very often I get the possibility to have a few hours to kill, but last Sunday I found a small gaping hole in my agenda that just screamed to be exploited. With our living room redone, I was in dire need of some original artwork for the walls. And when I say original, I do mean : Original. Not your standard ‘everyone has bought this at Ikea’. Time for a little photoshoot : The weather was perfect, the place was deserted and the inspiration was present (although borrowed from my wife who did a similar shoot at this place a few years ago with her analogue camera) With wonderful misty weather the dawn provided me with excellent light conditions and tainted the scene exactly like I wanted it. So take a peak at my little “Castle in the Mist” set that I took at the Castle of Alden Biesen. If you want to you can pop over to my Flickr site and grab a few to give that burnt-in “Nude Lindsay Lohan” background a little break and slide in some good taste for a change.  The entire set can be found HERE.




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