Watch out ! Porn !

Not that I am on the verge of dressing in a white gown, putting flowers in my hair and dancing around barefooted through the grass.. BUT : I can feel the spring is coming !. Yesterday was one of these days when you can SMELL the winter going away. Temperatures are rising and so are my spirits. Hmmm would totally loooove taking a walk trough Rijkhovens swamps right now. (begin geeky part) After picking up a Power charger for my gps and rendering a home completely wire-less I found out my great ‘liberator’ project has taken one more step forward. I can access my files , via my Ibook from ANYWHERE !!!! Messed around with the RSS enclosure in my website and found out I can’t get it working … F*** Oh well..(end geeky part) Got a question yesterday from the lovely Marjolein, why this blog is in English : Well : 3 reasons . I spell better in English then in Dutch, I can express myself better in English then in Dutch, I have non-Dutch speaking friends and visitors.. so.. there is that for you. Hmm . took an ‘alternative’ route to work today, decided to trust my technology and dutifully obey my GPS in choosing the way to work. Turned out it IS a faster but also further. And not so much to see along the way. In the rush to leave for work I forgot my earplugs at home. Not only have I know misplaced my white Ipod earplugs, I’ve also left my Senheissers on the desk. So no music today, just the hum of my pc (boring) Good thing I have the I-trip in the car so I can at least catch some podcasts on the road. I sometimes scare myself when I see the media I surround myself with . Sometimes its like I live in a different universe. Where different things matter, different things happen, where I listen to different radio shows, talk to different people and do different things. Damn I’m so cyber-hyped sometimes it makes me wonder people don’t consider me insane on a regular basis. Speaking of crazy : A nice alternative Google page with an Osx tribute (cute pop ups) is also soooo cute but is a bit tacky for my taste. On browse today I also tripped over THIS article (Marjolein , you will love this, its in DUTCH) about how the Dutch Christian TV network handles porn ! I mean . they have got a SPECIAL WEBSITE for their users on HOW TO DEAL WITH PORN. Not just one article : no no , a whole freakin’ website. Apparently those holy housefathers are one horny heard. My all time favorite is the ‘watch out for porn sign’ they posted on the site. I mean you’ve got to be kidding me. I’m just going to hang this sign on the back of my car or something : Shaggadellic baby !!!!
Ah yess , no war-driven update from the heavenly Scherpenheuvel tomorrow Got no school, teacher is out sick .. and that means that our carefully thrown together powerpoint (ieuw) slideshow will have to be blown out into a full scale report (Damn !)

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