In show 41 we have more Questions then answers as we wonder out loud what it would take to build a “narrowcasting” system. What would it take to construct a computer system that provides us with the information WHICH we need, WHEN we need it , Where we need it. How about building your own version of HALL 9000 to provide you with the weather, the headlines in the news, your calendar and more in the morning, and show you the TV programs that are on in the evening. Using open source technology we take a closer look at “Narrowcasting”.


  • Intro
  • A “Demolition man” batchroom.
  • Your personal Hal 9000
  • What would it take
  • What information do you need to display
  • What should it look like.
  • Anything, Anywhere, Anyhow.
  • The technology behind it all.
  • L.A.M.P.
  • Joomla
  • the SAY command on your Mac.
  • Crontab.
  • Feedback by Mr Gadgets
  • Signoff
  • Sponsored by ZOOGUE Ipad Cases.

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