Why not hop in the car with me and join me on a drive through the country as we chat about a little bit of everything. After a morning fuel-up ( and a quick chat to a “total stranger” (in Dutch), we buzz away and talk about my Issues with Windows Vista. After i’m done ranting i’ll disclose my thoughts about Windows 7 and i’m sure i’m gonna surprise you there. The final part of this long podcast is devoted to some listener Email and we dive into the issue of “rolling out technology” in a real life situation. Add some music to the mix, shake-n-bake and add sugar for flavor .. Voila ! Knightcast 26 is done.


  • Intro: Topping up for the working day.
  • Thoughts about Vista and Windows Marketing
  • First impressions of Windows 7
  • Consulting on Technology : A real life scenario.


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