The Knightcast Episode 29 : Use the web 2.0 style / A life online.
Direct link to the show :https://knightwise.com/podcasts/kc100506.mp3
In show 29 we give you Rambo style survival lessons on how to survive in the real world with only a computer, a browser and an internet connection. We review web 2.0 based email, office applications, online storage, news aggregators and much much more. Your mobile office from anywhere, anytime anyhow using any computer, as long as it has …. a browser and an internet connection. Check out show 29 as we cross thunderstorms and rage through fire on the freeway to tune teck into your way of life.
- Intro
- What is the web 2.0
Music : Rising sun by Bitstream Dream .
- Online Email
- Gmail
- Yahoo Mail
- mail to web http://services.mail2web.com/FreeServices/
- Online storage
- The Box.
- Orbitfiles.
- Online office applications.
- Thinkfree
- Google Writely.
- Microsoft LIVE Suite
- Online newsreader.
- Online Bookmarks.
- Google IG.
- Delicious.
- Online Voicemail
- Odeo : Voicemailbox.
- Hack : Button you can stick in your email signature
- Shoot US a voicemail
- Webbased Msn
- Webmessenger
- MSN Live
- E-Messenger (msn aol and yahoo)
- Google talk
- Online Webdesign and content management.
- Joomla
- WordPress
- Blogger
- Livejournal.
- Signoff.
For more information or to send feedback, come on down to www.knightwise.com and check out our spanky new website.