The Knightcast Episode 23 : Computer security 101.

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Welcome to show number 23 where we talk security. In three basic chapters we handle the major pitfalls in every day computer life. From the dangers that lurk on the other side of your modem .. to the hazzard that is "the user" .. Tips and tricks to keep it safe.


  • Intro.
  • Why this show.
  • Chapter one.
  • Securing the network.
  • Linksys Routers WRT54G WAG54G
  • Timers
  • WPA / WEP encription.
  • Chapter 2 :
  • The great alternatives
  • Internet explorer 
  • Firefox / operah.
  • Outlook express.
  • Thunderbird / eudora.
  • kazaa – e-mule / limewire.
  • windows – Ubuntu Linux.
  • Chapter 3 : The dangerous user.
  • Signoff.
  • Music Provided by DJ Infamous.
  • "the becoming" – by dead sea souls  fromdallas, tx, us"
  • all the myths are true " – by abney park from seattle, wa, us

For more information go to or look for the Knightcast on Itunes.

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