Sometimes reality just surprises you and you have to go with the flow
. I was out last Saturday morning, browsing through our local weekly fleamarket. My initial goal being to snap some shots of old and discarded technology so I could do a little writeup about it. The weather was kind of cloudy and the lighting far from good. But I managed to catch a few interesting items on camera. That was until I saw some nuns passing by. Thinking this big concentration of ‘tux-like’ creatures could have something to do with the upcoming release of Gutsy Gibbon I decided to investigate. It turned out these Sisters where into business ! The business of selling stuff on the flea market to raise funds for their mission-post in Africa. As the sun broke through I was tempted to point my lens at this little peace of real life proza and shoot the lovely little sisters in the act. After snapping a few shots one of the sisters noted my presence and being the closet-pr-person the was, immediately turned it into a press event. She kindly dragged me along the entire scene explaining what the purpose of this little overgrown garage sale was. As the Steven Spielberg in her took over she directed me to take some shots, lined up both crowd and colleagues for the photograph and gave me backstage passage behind the little tables filed with all kinds of tinker-tankers. I’m not a big fan of the Catholic church by far, but these ladies managed to charm my socks off. They where so sweet !! And being the Cyber-nuns they where they even had an email address for me to ship the pictures too so they could use them in the next issue of their magazine.  Even Sisters live on the edge of real and cyberspace these days. 🙂 I hope they enjoy the pictures and hopefully you will too.

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