I find mysellf in the strangest of moods lately. Somehow whenever the world quiets down around me my thoughts dwindle away and i end up staring into oblivion thinking about the strangest things. When i stepped outside the airconditioned surroundings of the office into the real world, it hit me. Autumn is coming. Slowly but unstoppable. Now for those of you who do not know : I'm an autumn person. I love the falling leaves , the wett cold mornings, the amber twilights of the low setting sun, the sence of a world going to sleep. I enjoy it immensly. A cd of Loreena Mckennit (Celtic traditional music) along with a cup of cappuchino brought an air of calmness and peace over me. A big computerscreen , some candles and a quiet cellphone did the rest to give me a relaxed evening. *** For those of you who think i'm dead (because you barely see me on msn anymore) I can set the rumours at ease. I'm not dead , I just don't like MSN anymore. Now i KNOW its the pinnacle of communication, but let me illustrate. I booted up my E-life (my cyber life if you please) yesterday. Switched on my mail and got some mail. Nice and informative. Next I checked out some newsgroups. Also very usefull and informative. I got on IRC, followed the topics on some channels , nice nice, .. Switched on ICQ and aranged some stuff with Swift.. and then I switched on msn messenger . BAM ! THREE popup windows : 1 person asking me 'where i've been all this time' and why i haven't been on line for so long. BAM the second person asking me something about network cabling and BAM person number three demanding I would explain her how to build a website. Now i'm not unwilling to help but I get the feeling I dont get ANYTHING done anymore once i switch on MSN. I get the feeling i use 'Chat' for communication , as to some who use it purely recreational. Thats a change for me . Cause MSN used to be the pinnacle of my comm. system as i now find that if you wanna get hold of me, you can email me. I'll just have to clean up the list or give some straight answers to the 1st line helpdesk-msn buddies that i'm not a one-free-question stop on the internet. Well , i'm off. Real life is calling.

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