Its a total disgrace that I haven’t had more time to blog these last few weeks
. It feels like i’ve been running around from project to project and having quite a bit of "hay on my fork" (as the Belgians say) when it comes to my dayjob. I don’t like having to start my post with apologies but well, lets just blame the "Festive season" shall we ?

Speaking of "good tidings of comfort and joy" I DO enjoy the wonderful cold weather that gives me even better excuses to hide behind the computer screen and tinker away on some new projects I have on the back-burner. One of them being a "super-VM" machine that, together with the help of virtualisation and some clever remote access tricks, become the very core of my computing setup at home.  In a perfecet world (and in my perfect plan) it SHOULD be able to visualise ALL of the main operating systems and run them on this little machine. Yes : You heard that right : Both Apple, Microsoft AND Unix system purring on the same hardware.  I’ll give you details in NEXT weeks podcast (KC0031) but I do have a sneak preview on how the INSIDE of this little setup will look like.


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